Submit Music

SUBMIT MUSIC provides exclusive organic curator and influencer submissions for promoting your music. No bots are used in our services, instead, they are managed and maintained by human specialists. With decades of music industry knowledge, we guarantee that your songs will reach the largest of audiences.

Curator and influencer promotions can help to give your music the boost it needs in today’s overcrowded digital market. They have the power to make your music stand out among the millions of tracks available on various platforms. With curator promotion, you can ensure that your music gets featured on popular playlists, increasing its reach to new audiences and helping to boost your online visibility.

— Playlist Submission

— Blog  Submission

— Review Submission

— Influencer Submission

— Digital Radio Submission

It is essential for musicians, both established and aspiring, to take advantage of curators and influencers to boost the visibility of their work. Through using these resources, they can expand their fan base and pave the way to achieving success.

music press
Phat Yaki 'Leave'
Dizzy Gillespie Big Band
The Dizzy Gillespie Bands
album artwork
Benny Green 'Source'