Monty Alexander UPLIFT

Uplift Monty Alexander
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About This Project

Here, Alexander is backed by his superb long-term bassist, J.J. Shakur, and drummer Herlin Riley, who has recorded numerous CDs with Wynton Marsalis, among others. From the bright, finger-popping opening “Come Fly with Me” (Alexander’s salute to Frank Sinatra, an early fan and sponsor), they provide supple support for every detour, helping the whole trio rock like mad. Riley’s killer solo on “Sweet Georgia Brown” is one of the things that make it the standout track—it’s nothing less than a jazz juggernaut. Or, maybe, the highlight is “Body and Soul,” which Alexander hitches to a bright waltz tempo and takes to a whole new territory. Others will pick the driving “One Mint Julep,” the soulful “Django,” or the lush Jamaican landscape of the last three tracks.


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