Fake Streams are Dangerous

Fake streams are bad

Fake Streams are Dangerous

Both Spotify and Apple Music employ sophisticated methods to identify and deal with fake streams. As a musician, understanding how these platforms approach the issue can help ensure your music’s streaming data remains legitimate and doesn’t inadvertently run afoul of these platforms’ policies.

In extreme cases, artists or tracks involved in significant streaming manipulation could be removed from the platform entirely. This is a rare consequence but is within the realm of possibility for egregious violations.


  • Organic Promotion: Focus on promoting your music through legitimate channels. Social media, live performances, and traditional media can drive genuine interest in your music.
  • Engage With Fans: Genuine engagement with your audience can naturally boost streams and encourage sharing of your music.
  • Use Reputable Marketing Services: If you’re hiring someone to help promote your music, ensure they have a track record of legitimate success and don’t promise unrealistic outcomes.
  • Monitor Your Data: Keep an eye on your streaming data. Sudden, unexplained spikes in streams from unknown sources could indicate fraudulent activity that you’ll want to report to the platform.

Understanding and adhering to the policies of platforms like Spotify and Apple Music is crucial for sustaining a long-term career in music. By focusing on authentic growth and engagement, you can avoid the pitfalls associated with fake streams and build a genuine fanbase.